Sunday, November 14, 2010



I am the bird that flies in the sky
I am the animal that wanders by
I am the tree that grows in the woods
I am the wind, the river and the sea.

I am the stars that are seen above,
I am the space and the cosmic expanse
I am the worm that lie on earth
I am the life of the beings of the sea.

 I am the verses which Kamban sang
I am the form that artists paint
I am the buildings, city and citadel,
Which even the celestial  marvel.

I am the sweet music of women
I am the bounteous bundles of joy.
I am the falsehood of the meanest of men
I am the answer of unbearable grief.

I am the director of a million magic
I regulate their faultless motion
I am the many forms of energy
I am the reason, the  residing entity.

I am the conductor of the lie called I
In the glowing sky of wisdom, I travel by
I am the being of all that is being
Exhibiting intelligence, I am the prime brilliance.

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